A little bit of our background.
Northside began in September of 1954, when 10 people gathered for a prayer meeting and Bible Study in the Carpenter's Hall on Ludlow Ave. The group decided to establish a Southern Baptist Church in Springfield, Ohio and in the same month Gordon Thomas became pastor(His salary was $50 a week). The church eventually purchased property on Derr Rd. and the first services were held at our current location in January of 1957. Since then, Northside has had 8 lead pastors and undergone many building projects to become what we are today.
Through it all, Northside has remained committed to reaching our community with the Gospel of Christ. That is the reason that we always have and always will exist!
Through it all, Northside has remained committed to reaching our community with the Gospel of Christ. That is the reason that we always have and always will exist!

Expanding the vision...
Growth and multiplication are important to us. We aren't especially interested in becoming a mega church, but we do want to see steady and continual growth. That's because it will be a sign that we are doing what Jesus has called us to do and reaching others with the Good News. As we grow, we will look for opportunities to multiply our witness by planting other churches in areas that might need one!
What's ahead?
Currently, we are raising funds to restore certain parts of our building. We want to renew and update our technology in our Worship Center, to add some accessibility for disabled members and guests and to completely refresh our children's wing. These things aren't our focus, but we know that they are important as we seek to reach new people for Christ. We want our facilities to be exciting and appealing to young families and kids!
As we try and focus more missionally on the community around us, we also are ramping up our international missions efforts and putting more resourcing and time into being intentional in those areas. We want those who connect with our church to have plenty of opportunities and on-ramps to mission and ministry.
As we try and focus more missionally on the community around us, we also are ramping up our international missions efforts and putting more resourcing and time into being intentional in those areas. We want those who connect with our church to have plenty of opportunities and on-ramps to mission and ministry.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30 AM.